Monday, June 13, 2011

For your information:
Old Navy is now selling "gay pride" T-shirts in support of President Obama's proclamation designating June as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month."

Old Navy's rainbow T-shirts are part of its "Love Proudly: Pride 2011" campaign. The shirts reportedly went on sale June 1 and will be available at select stores throughout the country. Old Navy is donating 10 percent of the proceeds to the "It Gets Better Project," a pro-LGBT campaign.
Online headline: "Amazon Gold Rush Destroying Peruvian Rain Forest" -- And where is Algore when the someone, any one, really needs him?
From the 'suspicions confirmed' department - Texas Governor Rick Perry has called for an event to pray for America. DUMB&DUMBERats are opposed to it.
Have you noticed that every day is a 'sales day' at Jos. A Bank? Perhaps Bank could get people in to buy something if it offered an ad saying our everyday prices are good values. I stopped shopping there because I keep waiting for the prices to be even lower and I never will know when that will be.
Palm Desert High School in California had a 'paver' fund raiser. Two women bought 'pavers' and chose to have them inscribed with Bible verses. The school objected and would not include those 'pavers' in the planned walkway because they were religious messages. The two women sued and won. The school then scrapped the fund raiser and refunded everyone's money. So, you say? What was revealed was that the school was going to use pavers with a Hindu quote from Gandhi, and a Bible quote in Spanish.
From a fellow BCer's 'pass on' : "Did you know that the ACLU has filed a suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones removed? And another suit to end prayer from the military completely. They're making great progress. The Navy Chaplains can no longer mention Jesus' name in prayer, thanks to the ACLU. -- I have the New Testament issued my Dad in WWII. It is the liberal's nightmare! It has a message from Franklin Delano Roosevelt on the frontispiece "commending the reading of the Bible to all who serve in the armed forces of the United States".


There are two of the trees brought in for the Veterans Parkway streetscapes in a vacant area between 11th & 12th Streets that are still in their root balls that have completely withered and died. The medians are being 'hand watered' by a man following a water truck. Do you know how little water actually gets to the median areas when the waterer is moving constantly? He may as well be watering the median with a kid's old fashioned water gun! He could at least use a "super soaker", but that would take to many 'load, unload, reload' actions.

With it's payroll load for Lebron James, Wade, and whatsis face, the Miami heat will change its name to the Miami Yankees.
Have you noticed that a lot of directors of taxpayer paid social programs for the needy live in affluent neighborhoods?
L-E headline: "States weigh easing sexting penalties " -- Wanna stop it among teens? Give the Cell phone companies full responsibility to keep all 'sexting' photos and send copies to the primary party responsible for the bills. When Mom and Dad get a copy on their phones, it'll be stopped quickly.
Drought conditions have to make you wonder how government can support "White Water" courses and events when it takes the planned release of extra water from dams to make the course viable.

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