Sunday, June 12, 2011

Government Motors's CEO said he wants the gasoline tax to be raised by a $1.00 per gallon. He thinks it will promote GM's "green" vehicles nobody wants to buy. What kind of company would ask for a tax increase that would hit its customers directly in the wallet? Oh, a government run union shop.
Where's Rahm Emanuel when Emperor O'Bozo needs him? Chaos runs amok from the Mid-East to Wall Street to China, and there's no Rahm Emanuel to take advantage of any of it.
Online headline/story: "Hillary Clinton Warns Africa Of 'New Colonialism' * Clinton said that African leaders must ensure that foreign projects are sustainable and benefit all their citizens, not only elites. A day earlier, she cautioned that China's massive investments and business interests in Africa need to be closely watched so that the African people are not taken advantage of. * "It is easy, and we saw that during colonial times, it is easy to come in, take out natural resources, pay off leaders and leave," Clinton said. "And when you leave, you don't leave much behind for the people who are there. We don't want to see a new colonialism in Africa." -- Wait a minute.. the plan of action she's warning about sounds suspiciously identical to the DUMB&DUMBERat campaign strategy for re-elections! They pay off racial and union leaders and leave the frontliners struggling.
Online headline: "Weiner Seeks Treatment As Top Democrats Call For Resignation" -- Yeah, Weiner needs treatment all right...the silent treatment, the snub treatment, and treated to a predator sexual offender listing.
Here's an idea to make the Chattahoochee safer! Council can install those ubiquitous signal lights like the ones for crossing streets in trafficked parts of the river. Depending on the circumstance, the idiot lights can flash between "Swim/Don't Swim, Wade/Don't Wade, and Fish/Don't Fish". That way, river users don't have to remember what their mothers taught them about river safety.
Take a bow, T Sam! Congrats from all the BCers!
MLB needs to take a stand! I wasn't sure what station I was watching while my bride and I ate at Fudruckers last night, but there was a baseball game on between Milwaukee and St Louis. I recognized the Cardinals by there uniforms, but had to weight for the score to flash on screen to see who they were playing. Since when did the "Brewers" become the "Cerveceros"? I could sorta understand if Milwaukee was on the Mexican versus Canadien border, but if Milwaukee tries to wear those jersies when playing in Arizona, I hope the D-backs bar them from the field.
Speaking of Fudpuckers, last night will be the last time I eat there. I was hungry and ordered the 1/2 pound version. When it was served, it looked the size of a Krystal (according to the counterperson it was because it was cooked 'well', but I know it was because of fat content of the meat) except there was about an inch of bun showing completely around the patty. I thought the first rule of burtger production was to make sure the patty hangs out of the bun. I finished the 'hamburger' and I had lots of bread left.
From L-E story on Council redistricting: " Here’s how Columbus does it: A Muscogee grand jury goes through voter rolls and picks four names from each district to submit to council. From those names each district councilor gets to pick one person to serve on a redistricting committee, and so does the mayor. The probate judge serves automatically, so the full committee’s 17 people." -- Hmmm, now if a district borders are changed, and a committee member's residence moves from one district to another, does that invalidate that committee members position on the committee?
Trying to give all parents access to better education opportunities for their children via tax credits or other such accounting gimmickry was destined for the results that have occurred. On the other hand, giving parents 'vouchers' that they can present to any school would work for every level of income.
What's wrong with this picture...only 35 ML Baseball players are batting better than .299. 35 people have batting averages that match or exceed a 3-out-of-10 average for being considered a successful batsman. Something is wrong with paying the kind of salaries the players get.

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